
Haven't written any articles for ages, n my chinese typing has gone incredibaly slow!!! so really sorry, pls, bear with me for a while...

Wow, dunno where to start talking abt my new life in HK, I think those have known me should know that I studied in UK b4, but now I m back in HK for university lu!! Time Sure flies, it's really strange to come back n actually settle down in here, everyone looks so busy n energitic here, it makes me feel kind of under pressure, as u might know, ppl in the UK have rather slow motions. Therefore, some of my new fds always say " Alice! u r so lazy, what have u actually done since the start of Uni!!??" hee, yeah, i felt i've done not too, espeacilly my work...
Perhaps just join some clubs for fun~~~

Really miss the time that I was in UK, it's really annoying, just like ppl only miss sth after they lose it, so do I!!! kept saying UK was boring when I was there, but I wanna go back there... well, u know, most of my fds r in the UK, n i really miss my teachers too...

Anyway, dun wanna be unhappy all the time, so I m trying to make fun and new fds in HK, hope I'll suceed, n of coz I will work hard n letting my parents worry abt me la...

^0^ thx for reading~~~

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