· Simon Singh是劍橋大學的粒子物理學博士,印度裔英國人。為加密、解密及數論專家。曾為英國BBC科學節目「地平線(Horizon)」製作了一輯「費瑪最後定理」,獲得了British Academy of Film and Television Arts (BAFTA)獎。曾著《費瑪最後定理(Fermat's Last Theorem )》、《碼書:編碼與解碼的戰爭(The Code Book)》皆成為最暢銷的書籍之一,被譯成了多國語言外銷。亦以"The Code Book"為基礎,製作了一輯電視節目"The Science of Secrecy".

Dear Dr. Singh,

I am glad to talk to you, I live in Hong Kong, a Chinese. So my English is bad, pardon me if i cannot represent my meaning.

I have read your book "Fermat's Last Theorem" (Chinese Version) just a half, but that 's a good book. And i have seen you on TV "The Science of Secrecy", it is a very good TV-programme and made me always exciting when you said "he cracked the code...".I admire your intelligence, writing and speaking skills.

Yes, I am interested in Mathematics and Science, and I studied in Computer Science. But .....

When i was young, when i was studying in kindergarten, i have already promised that I want to be a scientist. Since that time, i read many books and learned many things. But Unfortunately, "Attitude is no substitute for competence.". One day, I found I hadn't any enough or extra Intelligence to solve just a simple maths. question and my calculating speed was slower than my classmates. And it was hard to memorize those of the Maths. Equations and Theories. Then I knew i could not be a scientist, expert in Maths, Or codebreaker. I cannot solve fascinating problems full in this world......

Suddenly, I lost my way my future. I became a Ronin. I fell in despair. I have no idea what should I do. I hope you can guide my direction. Thank you.

By the way, can you attach your photo when you reply me? It doesn't matter if you are busy. Sorry to disturb you.

Yours Sincerely,
Bell, Chu

22nd February,2002

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