
Hello my dear friends, cousins, brothers and sisters

Part III - Resources for Forgiving.


Three resources for forgiving

I) Our model, Jesus Christ, and His provision for forgiveness.

II) The Holy Spirit empowers us forgive - we cannot forgive on our own. The more we walk in the filling of the spirit, the more forgiving we will be

III) The guidance of the Word of God.

Three areas we can focus on to help us understand forgiveness and to practice it in our daily lives.

I) Recognize the depth of Christ's forgiveness. He made one sacrifice for all sins for all time.

II) Try as we might, we cannot work for forgiveness.

III) Our own need of forgiveness.

[This ISN'T forgiveness]

1) Forgiveness is not just saying, "Well, I'm sorry." When you do that, you are acknowledging the problem but not your responsibility for getting yourself off the hook.

2) Forgiveness is not conditional and cannot be earned. You can't demand changes of someone.

3) Forgiveness is not a feeling

4) Forgiveness is not keeping score. Paul reminds us in (1 Corinthians 13: 5) that love "keeps no record of wrongs," which mean you is to love the person and respond to them in the same manner as before the wrong occurred.

5) Forgiveness is not pretending that the situation never happened. If this is how you are dealing with a situation, don't be surprised when it comes back to hunt you again.

6) Forgiveness is not indifference.

7) Forgiveness is not condoning wrong.

8) Forgiveness is not just saying, "Let's forget about it." You don't forget about it. Rather, it becomes a source of irritation or resentment. Forgetting doesn't result in forgiveness. It’s really the other way round; forgiveness result in forgetting.

9) Forgiveness is not tolerance.

10) Forgiveness does not strive to teach the offender a lesson.

11) Forgiveness does not mean there won't be consequences.

12) Forgiveness does not mean that the person your forgave is going to change. Whether that person changes or not, our commandment from God is to forgive; we are not responsible for another's action.

13) Forgiveness deals effectively with past wounds but cannot insulate you against future hurts.

[This IS forgiveness]

1) Forgiveness is an expression of strength, not weakness. More men then women are afraid that forgiving and seeking forgiveness could mean showing personal weakness in keeping up their macho image. Seeking to heal a relationship through forgiveness is a real sign of strength of character.

2) Forgiveness is an expression of love that takes the initiative. Jesus said, "If therefore you are presenting your offering at the altar, and there remember that your brother has something against, leave your offering there before the altar, and go your way; first be reconciled to your brother, and then come and present your offering' (Matthew 5:23-24)

God clearly explains that He wants you to take the initiative, no matter who needs forgiveness - He doesn't even want you to worship if there is a relationship you haven't tried to make right.

3) Forgiveness has three objectives in view:

Reconciliation between two individuals Colossian 3: 12-15 "And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called into on body, and be thankful." Forgiveness promotes unity in the body of Christ. Emotional healing - one of the greatest way the healing love of Jesus Christ can be demonstrate to a watching world.


Continue the final part of Learn to forgive Part IV -- Why don't we forgive?


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