
In the year 1996, August the 13th. A 10 years old boy named J was waiting patiently in the airport. He was about to move to England from Hong Kong with his famaily but not including his parents. 'Right, mum, dad, I will do my best in England. Me and brother won't let you down.' J was talking to his mother before going on the plane with tears about to fall down from his eyes. He then turned his head round and saw his best friend Edmond appeared from the corner. J didn't really expected that and he walked to him and started to speak. 'Oh my god. I really didn't expect you to come. I am so delighted.' 'J, listen, remember 'm', remember 'e', remember 'me' and remember me. We will be best friend forever.' Edmond said this in a very sad tone. J can easily tell that Edmond is very unhappy to see him leaving the country. They have met each other at the age of 6. They went to the same school and from one, they were real good friends. Edmond then carry on 'J, you know Joanne, she is also very sad to see you leave.' 'Joanne? She is sad to see me leave?' J asked confusingly. 'Yeah, don't you know that she really liked you. Just like the way you liked her.' J cannot believed what Edmond was saying. J have been fancying Joanne from the first day he met her. Everyone in school knew it because J was a very popular person. J was confused. He was happy to hear that Joanne actually liked him aswell, but in the other hand, he was sad to find it out so late. Edmond carried on the conversation by saying 'J, u are a very popular in school. Everyone likes you. That's because you are very friendly and very funny. You are the leader of our friendship group. At the same time, you are most of the girls wanted boy. As far as I know, there are 8 different girls who fancy you in school right now.' 'WHAT THE HELL? Are you serious?' J answered and tears began to fall 'Anyway, is too late now. I am leaving. I know which 8 girls you are talking about. But thanks for telling me anyway. Becareful yourself. I will be back during holiday time. and You will be the first person I want to see when I come back.' Then J turned himself round, said a last goodbye to his parents and his jorney to England and to a bright future had then begun. ...(TO BE CONTINUED)

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