
I've been feeling so down since last weekend. Perhaps it was too much, and i can't take it anymore, so i cried.
I have always been a opamistic person, i face all the problems with a smiling face. Although, i still fail sometimes, but after a period of time my wound will soon be fine again. However, this time i can't. It's not a silly love problem, but a probelm can change my life entirly. I wanna talk about this with my best friends, but no one can help me. I don't want my firends to worry about me either, so what i can do is only crying on my bed, and pretendinh nothing happened in the morning. Sometimes i even hope i am a person without any feeling, so i can do anything nasty things to people and be happy myself, but obviously i can't. Otherwise, i wouldn't be like this today.
Anyway, just got rather emotion, i think i'll be fine later. As long as i know someone will always be there for me no matter what i am and what happens.

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