Chapter 2
Her Uncle’s Ghost

After Kathy got the key of the old house from her grandma, she went to the house immediately.
It was a great big house and had two storeys. Although it was a little dirty, it was beautiful. However, Kathy did not have good comments about it. She felt that there must be some other things living in the house. Maybe the house was haunted.
Suddenly, something flew in from the window. Kathy was very frightened. She did not know what it was. The flying object was her uncle’s ghost. Her uncle died five years ago. Nobody knew why he died. The police supposed that he committed suicide. However, the family did not believe that. They did not think that he committed suicide, but they could not find any evidence to support their ideas. At last, the family abandoned its- search for the truth.

Kathy’s uncle told Kathy not to be afraid of him. He wanted Kathy to get revenge for him. He then told Kathy why he died:
One day, he bought a “mark six” ticket with a friend who worked with him in the office. They agreed that if they won, each of them could have half of the prize. His friend kept the “mark six” ticket. Luckily, they won the first prize. He wanted to have half of the prize. Then his friend asked him to go to his house and he would give it to him. However, his friend did not give the money to him. His friend killed him. His friend wanted people to think that he committed suicide and wrote a letter in his handwriting to prove that he committed suicide. Then nobody would think about him. He could keep all the money. The police also thought that he committed suicide. His friend was not put in jail.
This was the story.
“How can I help you, Uncle?” Kathy asked.
“Well, I know that the man has a son called Steven. He studies in your school in the same form. Go and make friends with him. When you are good friends, go to his house and find some evidence to show that his father was the murderer.”
“However, Uncle, we would be deceiving Steven!” Kathy did not agree with her uncle.
“Steven’s father deceived me too!” Uncle shouted.
“OK. I will do what you said.”
“Then you are a good girl. I have to go now. Do what I told you to do. Then you can get revenge for me. Goodbye!” Uncle said.
“Goodbye, Uncle!” Kathy said.
Then, Kathy’s uncle flew out of the window.
That night, Kathy could not sleep. She thought about her uncle’s ghost. She could not believe that she had seen a real ghost. She hoped that it was a dream. But, alas, it was true.

其他文章共 30 篇

長篇小說:28篇, 詩:2篇

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