"; } ?>

When that day I hear your voice
I have some special feeling
Let me always think I don't wanna forget you
I remember at the day
You are always on my mind
Eventhought I just can think about you
If the day in the future
This love will becoming true
I've never change my mind that I will love you forever
I don't care how fool it is
I will let my dream come true
I will tell you something I wanna let you know, I let you know
I love you, loving you, as the mouse loves the rice
Even every day has storm, I will always by your side
I miss you, missing you
I don't care how hard it is
I just want you be happy
Everything, I do it for you

其他文章共 31 篇

短篇故事:2篇, 隨筆:3篇, 詞:6篇, 歌曲:3篇, 其他:17篇

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