
Accept your lot.

July 15 an important day for every Primary six student and their parents. Some of them are happy, but some of them are upset.
Due to the outbreak of Sars, the final exams of Primary six students were affected, and students system is fair--- it's the attitude of students and parents that is wrong.
Students must always try their best to achieve the best results in their exams. If they say the system is not fair, does this mean they did not put their effort into the previous exams, except for the finals? It is not good for students who just want to use little effort to gain huge rewards. If you have tried your best, you must accept the result happily. If not, you must change your study attitude and method in order to prevent the situation from happening agein.
There are many challenges in life. I hope the Primary Six students will be happy to accept the results.

This composition is written by Amy Chu, she study in Leung Shek Chee College.

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