She was with a child . 她帶了一個孩子
She was with child . 她身懷六甲

She kept the house. 她守在家裏
She kept house. 她管理家務

This is a portrait of me. 這是我的肖像
This is a portrait of mine. 這是我所藏的肖像畫

I ask you nothing. 我沒有什麼要問你的
I ask nothing of you. 我沒有什麼要求你的

Ask him when he comes back. 他回來時你就問他
Ask him when he will come back. 你問他要什麼時候回來

He agreed to the plan. 他贊成那計劃
He agreed with the plan. 他認為那計劃很好

I had money enough to buy it. 我曾有足夠買那東西的錢
I had money enough to have bought it. 如果我要買那東西的話, 我是有足的錢的

I left the window open. 我讓窗子開
I kept the window open. 我故意不關窗


(a) It has been raining continually for two days.
(b) It has been raining continuously for two days.

(a) 斷續地下了兩天的雨。
(b) 不停地下了兩天的雨。

(a) continual = frequently or closely repeated
(b) continuous = without interruption


中譯英最難, 因為我們要用英文慣用文法

(a) 你如把虎叫做大貓, 同樣也無妨把貓叫做小虎。
You may as well call a cat a little tiger as call a tiger a big cat.

(b) 你要把錢花在賭博上, 就不如丟掉的好。
You might as well throw your money away as spend it in gambling.

英文的 "may as well....as" 和 "might as well....as", 都是用於現在的, 並無現在時和過去時之分, 但有合理性和非合理性之分。
"may as well ....as" = have as good reason to....as
(b) 例句中 throw your money away 是誰也不幹的事, 是非理性的, 所以用 "might as well....as"

I'm going to hospital to see my brother. (錯)
I'm going to the hospital to see my brother. (對)

注意: 到醫院求醫, 不可加冠詞(the) , 如 go to hospital (入院) He is still in hospital (他還在醫院裏) 反之, 則須加冠詞(the) 如 My uncle lives near the hospital. I'm going to the hospital to see my brother. (我現在到醫院去探我兄弟的病)

問 : " immediately 和 promptly 兩字, 哪一個迅速 ? "

答: "immediately = 馬上發生, 沒有半點阻延。
promptly = 準時, 不推延做某事。

prompt 多與行動有關, 所以 to act promptly 比 to act immediately 更有力。

immediately 並不單指時間上, 如 immediate family 是指直系家族成員。 immediate neighborhood 指四周環境。

不過 promptly 要比 immediately 少出現 如要加強語氣, 強調絕對不能拖延, 應用 promptly 意思是 now 。

另有一字 impromptu = 即興演出。



其他文章共 20 篇

隨筆:18篇, 其他:2篇

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