

What did I do wrong
Oh you nearly drove me cuckoo
Am I really all that bad
You worse than Hannibal lector Charlie
Manson Freddie Kruger
Why are we still together
Oh I can’t leave you till you’re dead
You mean till death do us part
I mean like cyanide strangulation or an
Axe through your head

Is was lucky for us I turned the radio on
They say that music soothes the
Savage beast

There was something in that voice that
Stopped us seeing red
The two of us would surely have ended up dead

You stopped us form killing each other
(Tom Jones Tom Jones)
You’ll never know but you saved our lives
(Tom Jones Tom Jones)
I’ve never thrown my knickers at you
And I don’t come from Wales

Still haven’t solved our problem
You mean we hate each others guts
Still wanna cut off your nuts
I’ve phones the marriage guidance
I tied the phone line round your neck
I’m sick of all this hatred
Oh that’ll be the arsenic making you sick

You were about to drive me over the edge of a cliff
As I tried to jump out I knocked the stereo on
You changed your mind and then slammed
On the brakes
It was lucky for us we’d brought his
Greatest hits

You stopped us from killing each other
(Tom Jones Tom Jones)
You’ll never know but you saved our lives
(Tom Jones Tom Jones)
I’ve never thrown my knickers at you
And I don’t come from Wales

And now our war is over
I’ve lost the urge to break your nexk
I owe my life to what’s new pussy cat
Delilah stopped me hating you and wishing
You dead
Of I used to call you Satan and you were
Cruella de Ville
But now you call me your Delilah
And now I’m not your Lucifer
And I am just your pussycat

But just a word of warning now
Just in case we ever get tired of his voice
I know the mafia Godzilla King Kong
And I know an atom boob that’s going for a song

You stopped us form killing each other
(Tom Jones Tom Jones)
You’ll never know but you saved our lives
(Tom Jones Tom Jones)
I’ve never thrown my knickers at you
And I don’t come form Wales


其他文章共 181 篇

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